FLYER - Virtual English Test app

FLYER - Virtual English Test app

A fun & effective way to practice for English exam

A fun & effective way to practice for English exam

When we launched, we focused on desktop use for better student concentration. However, not all students have access to a laptop or PC, and internet issues posed challenges. To address this, we developed the FLYER mobile app, released in 2022, tailored to meet user needs and goals.

When we launched, we focused on desktop use for better student concentration. However, not all students have access to a laptop or PC, and internet issues posed challenges. To address this, we developed the FLYER mobile app, released in 2022, tailored to meet user needs and goals.



  • Product Owner

  • Sole User Experience (UX) Designer

  • Sole User Interface (UI) Designer

  • Interaction (IxD) Designer

  • Visual designer

  • Product Owner

  • Sole User Experience (UX) Designer

  • Sole User Interface (UI) Designer

  • Interaction (IxD) Designer

  • Visual designer

Project specifications

Project specifications

  • Duration: 8 weeks for 1st version

  • Tools:

    • Figma

    • Photoshop

    • Illustrator

    • Lotties

  • Duration: 8 weeks for 1st version

  • Tools:

    • Figma

    • Photoshop

    • Illustrator

    • Lotties



  • Product Design:

    • Empathy user: User personas

    • Competitive audit

    • User surveys and interviews

    • User journeys and task flows

    • Site map

    • Low-fidelity wireframes

    • High-fidelity mockups and prototypes

    • Design system and UI kit

    • Usability tests

  • Visual design:

    • Logo mobile app

    • App Store Previews and Screenshots

  • Product Design:

    • Empathy user: User personas

    • Competitive audit

    • User surveys and interviews

    • User journeys and task flows

    • Site map

    • Low-fidelity wireframes

    • High-fidelity mockups and prototypes

    • Design system and UI kit

    • Usability tests

  • Visual design:

    • Logo mobile app

    • App Store Previews and Screenshots





Following the success of the FLYER exam website and user requests, I planned to design a mobile app for phones and tablets. This enables students to practice anytime without needing a laptop or PC. I overcame challenges of adapting content to smaller screens and leveraged website assets to ensure a seamless experience. The mobile app also reduces loading times by using pre-downloaded data, addressing user complaints about the website's load times.

Following the success of the FLYER exam website and user requests, I planned to design a mobile app for phones and tablets. This enables students to practice anytime without needing a laptop or PC. I overcame challenges of adapting content to smaller screens and leveraged website assets to ensure a seamless experience. The mobile app also reduces loading times by using pre-downloaded data, addressing user complaints about the website's load times.



  • Adapting extensive text and image-rich tests to smaller screens

  • Maintaining the engaging experience of the desktop version

  • Ensuring consistent user experience across all devices

  • Reducing image loading times

  • Adapting extensive text and image-rich tests to smaller screens

  • Maintaining the engaging experience of the desktop version

  • Ensuring consistent user experience across all devices

  • Reducing image loading times

Proposed solution

Proposed solution

  • Introduce landscape and portrait modes for the first version

  • Redraw images for portrait mode as resources allow in the future

  • Buid feature to help user can continue their uncompleted test across devices

  • Pack images into the app download to reduce loading times

  • Introduce landscape and portrait modes for the first version

  • Redraw images for portrait mode as resources allow in the future

  • Buid feature to help user can continue their uncompleted test across devices

  • Pack images into the app download to reduce loading times




Understand Users

Understand Users

Understand Users

Research - Interviews

Research - Interviews

We conducted surveys and interviews to understand user needs and goals.

I called our top 20 users to gather insights on:

Their demographics and how they discovered FLYER

Their thoughts and actions before, during, and after using the website

Their feelings about these experiences, what do they want us to improve

Their needs for a mobile version

We conducted surveys and interviews to understand user needs and goals.

I called our top 20 users to gather insights on:

Their demographics and how they discovered FLYER

Their thoughts and actions before, during, and after using the website

Their feelings about these experiences, what do they want us to improve

Their needs for a mobile version

Targeted users

Targeted users

Our primary users are students aged 6 to 14 who need focused practice for Cambridge English tests during their primary and middle school years.

Our primary users are students aged 6 to 14 who need focused practice for Cambridge English tests during their primary and middle school years.

User personas

Lan Anh Nguyen








THCS Nguyen Hong


Nghe An, Vietnam

I need an engaging and interactive platform that makes learning English fun.

Brief story

Nguyen Lan Anh is a curious 8-year-old from a suburban area. She loves exploring new things and is excited to improve her English skills for school and future. Her mother really wants her to get a high score in the next Movers test next month


  • Become more confident in her English abilities, both academically and socially.

  • Excel in her Cambridge English tests and impress her teachers and parents.


  • Frustrated when she encounters boring or difficult learning materials that don't hold her attention.

  • Confused by complex grammar rules.

User personas

Lan Anh Nguyen








THCS Nguyen Hong


Nghe An, Vietnam

I need an engaging and interactive platform that makes learning English fun.

Brief story

Nguyen Lan Anh is a curious 8-year-old from a suburban area. She loves exploring new things and is excited to improve her English skills for school and future. Her mother really wants her to get a high score in the next Movers test next month


  • Become more confident in her English abilities, both academically and socially.

  • Excel in her Cambridge English tests and impress her teachers and parents.


  • Frustrated when she encounters boring or difficult learning materials that don't hold her attention.

  • Confused by complex grammar rules.

User personas

Lan Anh Nguyen








THCS Nguyen Hong


Nghe An, Vietnam

I need an engaging and interactive platform that makes learning English fun.

Brief story

Nguyen Lan Anh is a curious 8-year-old from a suburban area. She loves exploring new things and is excited to improve her English skills for school and future. Her mother really wants her to get a high score in the next Movers test next month


  • Become more confident in her English abilities, both academically and socially.

  • Excel in her Cambridge English tests and impress her teachers and parents.


  • Frustrated when she encounters boring or difficult learning materials that don't hold her attention.

  • Confused by complex grammar rules.

User personas

Lan Anh Nguyen








THCS Nguyen Hong


Nghe An, Vietnam

I need an engaging and interactive platform that makes learning English fun.

Brief story

Nguyen Lan Anh is a curious 8-year-old from a suburban area. She loves exploring new things and is excited to improve her English skills for school and future. Her mother really wants her to get a high score in the next Movers test next month


  • Become more confident in her English abilities, both academically and socially.

  • Excel in her Cambridge English tests and impress her teachers and parents.


  • Frustrated when she encounters boring or difficult learning materials that don't hold her attention.

  • Confused by complex grammar rules.

User personas

Lan Anh Nguyen








THCS Nguyen Hong


Nghe An, Vietnam

I need an engaging and interactive platform that makes learning English fun.

Brief story

Nguyen Lan Anh is a curious 8-year-old from a suburban area. She loves exploring new things and is excited to improve her English skills for school and future. Her mother really wants her to get a high score in the next Movers test next month


  • Become more confident in her English abilities, both academically and socially.

  • Excel in her Cambridge English tests and impress her teachers and parents.


  • Frustrated when she encounters boring or difficult learning materials that don't hold her attention.

  • Confused by complex grammar rules.

User personas

Lan Anh Nguyen








THCS Nguyen Hong


Nghe An, Vietnam

I need an engaging and interactive platform that makes learning English fun.

Brief story

Nguyen Lan Anh is a curious 8-year-old from a suburban area. She loves exploring new things and is excited to improve her English skills for school and future. Her mother really wants her to get a high score in the next Movers test next month


  • Become more confident in her English abilities, both academically and socially.

  • Excel in her Cambridge English tests and impress her teachers and parents.


  • Frustrated when she encounters boring or difficult learning materials that don't hold her attention.

  • Confused by complex grammar rules.




Define User needs & goals

Define User needs & goals

Define User needs & goals

Dinh Lien Ha

Dinh Lien Ha

Journey Map

Journey Map

Journey Map

Ha is a 14-year-old from a rural area who dreams of pursuing higher education and traveling the world. She understands the importance of English proficiency for achieving her ambitions.

James is a parent of two school-aged children who values education and seeks the best tools to support his children’s learning. He frequently researches educational products online.





Tasks list

Tasks list




Sign up account

Sign up account

Sign up account

  • Enter phone number

  • Get OTP code

  • Enter OTP code and password

  • Enter phone number

  • Get OTP code

  • Enter OTP code and password

  • OTP code delayed sometimes -> Improve by using other service

  • Or can use Apple/Google account sign in with mobile app

  • OTP code delayed sometimes -> Improve by using other service

  • Or can use Apple/Google account sign in with mobile app


Do placement test

Do placement test

Look for the main features

Look for the main features

  • Visit homepage

  • Click on “Check your level?”

  • Do the test

  • Get result & advice

  • Visit homepage

  • Click on “Check your level?”

  • Do the test

  • Get result & advice

  • Should show up right when users first create a profile as an onboarding so users don’t need to look for it

  • Give more suggestions which level should fit and how to improve to get higher level

  • Should show up right when users first create a profile as an onboarding so users don’t need to look for it

  • Give more suggestions which level should fit and how to improve to get higher level


Do the first Flyers test

Do the first Flyers test

Do the first Flyers test

  • Click on Flyers planet

  • Choose a test

  • Do test in limited time

  • Click on Flyers planet

  • Choose a test

  • Do test in limited time

  • Loading time in website is too long makes users hard to finish test in time

  • Need to create more short tests

  • Loading time in website is too long makes users hard to finish test in time

  • Need to create more short tests


Check details answers

Check details answers

Check details answers

  • After finishing a test click on “View detail answers”

  • Follow all the answers and see what was incorrect

  • After finishing a test click on “View detail answers”

  • Follow all the answers and see what was incorrect

  • Some UI makes users confused can be improved in the long-term development

  • Explain the answers

  • Some UI makes users confused can be improved in the long-term development

  • Explain the answers


View History

View History

View History

  • Click on History in homepage

  • Find the time user did the test

  • User can review the answers again or just check the score in History page

  • Click on History in homepage

  • Find the time user did the test

  • User can review the answers again or just check the score in History page

  • Need a status for each test, which are completed and which are not so user can finish it

  • Need a status for each test, which are completed and which are not so user can finish it

By using FLYER virtual English test app, students can boost their Cambridge English test scores with enjoyable learning experiences

By using FLYER virtual English test app, students can boost their Cambridge English test scores with enjoyable learning experiences

By using FLYER virtual English test app, students can boost their Cambridge English test scores with enjoyable learning experiences







Competitive Audit

Competitive Audit

Competitive Audit

Competitive Audit

I conducted a comprehensive competitive audit of both indirect competitors (such as Duolingo, Quizizz, The Coach, Monkey Junior, and Babilala) and the direct competitor My research encompassed product offerings, pricing, website analysis, business size, target audience, unique value propositions, desktop and mobile experiences, features, accessibility, user flow, navigation, brand identity, and tone. These insights have been integrated into our product design strategy.

I conducted a comprehensive competitive audit of both indirect competitors (such as Duolingo, Quizizz, The Coach, Monkey Junior, and Babilala) and the direct competitor My research encompassed product offerings, pricing, website analysis, business size, target audience, unique value propositions, desktop and mobile experiences, features, accessibility, user flow, navigation, brand identity, and tone. These insights have been integrated into our product design strategy.

Rapid sketching wireframe

Rapid sketching wireframe

During the ideation phase, I used rapid sketching to visually conceptualize the mobile app. I focused on the users' goals and needs while adapting the website's core functionality to a smaller device. These sketches helped me explore various design patterns and identify the best solution for the product.

During the ideation phase, I used rapid sketching to visually conceptualize the mobile app. I focused on the users' goals and needs while adapting the website's core functionality to a smaller device. These sketches helped me explore various design patterns and identify the best solution for the product.







Site map

Site map

I developed a sitemap for the mobile app based on the website. My focus was on maintaining consistency across devices and ensuring a user-friendly experience to minimize confusion.

I developed a sitemap for the mobile app based on the website. My focus was on maintaining consistency across devices and ensuring a user-friendly experience to minimize confusion.

Low-fidelity prototype wireframe

Low-fidelity prototype wireframe

I created low-fidelity prototypes for key screens including the Homepage, Login, Onboarding, and Dashboard. After developing these initial prototypes, we involved stakeholders in the first round of testing to gather feedback for improvements. Here is the prototype

I created low-fidelity prototypes for key screens including the Homepage, Login, Onboarding, and Dashboard. After developing these initial prototypes, we involved stakeholders in the first round of testing to gather feedback for improvements. Here is the prototype

Hi-fidelity prototype

Hi-fidelity prototype

Hi-fidelity prototype

After completing the initial high-fidelity prototype, the product team conducted usability tests with users and stakeholders across various schools. We also shared the UI in multiple Facebook groups to gather user opinions and sentiments. Based on the comprehensive feedback received, we made necessary adjustments and then launched the first version of the app on the App Store and Google Play Store.

After completing the initial high-fidelity prototype, the product team conducted usability tests with users and stakeholders across various schools. We also shared the UI in multiple Facebook groups to gather user opinions and sentiments. Based on the comprehensive feedback received, we made necessary adjustments and then launched the first version of the app on the App Store and Google Play Store.

After completing the initial high-fidelity prototype, the product team conducted usability tests with users and stakeholders across various schools. We also shared the UI in multiple Facebook groups to gather user opinions and sentiments. Based on the comprehensive feedback received, we made necessary adjustments and then launched the first version of the app on the App Store and Google Play Store.



Test & Iterate

Test & Iterate

Test & Iterate

Transitioning from the MVP to a fully functional app was a long but interesting journey

Transitioning from the MVP to a fully functional app was a long but interesting journey

After launching the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), we validated our product hypotheses and quickly gathered user feedback to refine the app towards achieving product-market fit. We then continued to iterate, gradually adding features until the mobile app offered functionality comparable to the desktop website version.

After launching the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), we validated our product hypotheses and quickly gathered user feedback to refine the app towards achieving product-market fit. We then continued to iterate, gradually adding features until the mobile app offered functionality comparable to the desktop website version.

The first version

The first version

The initial version of the app was designed solely for the placement test function, with the homepage tailored specifically for this purpose. Remarkably, we developed this within a single sprint, completing the task in under two weeks.

The initial version of the app was designed solely for the placement test function, with the homepage tailored specifically for this purpose. Remarkably, we developed this within a single sprint, completing the task in under two weeks.

The next versions

The next versions

In the first phase, we streamlined the flow to focus solely on the placement test, ensuring a seamless user experience. Subsequently, we redesigned the home screen to accommodate future features and enhancements, enabling users to access a comprehensive test encompassing all question types

In the first phase, we streamlined the flow to focus solely on the placement test, ensuring a seamless user experience. Subsequently, we redesigned the home screen to accommodate future features and enhancements, enabling users to access a comprehensive test encompassing all question types

Keep user-centric in mind we improve the app continuously

Keep user-centric in mind we improve the app continuously

Each sprint, lasting about two weeks, sees the development of one new feature. We diligently progress through the design framework, starting from empathy and moving through define, ideate, prototype, and test stages. Additionally, we concentrate on key metrics, generating weekly reports to ensure we consistently deliver genuine value to our users.

Each sprint, lasting about two weeks, sees the development of one new feature. We diligently progress through the design framework, starting from empathy and moving through define, ideate, prototype, and test stages. Additionally, we concentrate on key metrics, generating weekly reports to ensure we consistently deliver genuine value to our users.

And many features have been improved

And many features have been improved

And many features have been improved

Our work on this mobile app has been extensive, with numerous enhancements and adjustments made along the way. The app has been developing, resulting in significant improvements. While I can't cover all the changes and solutions we've implemented in this case study, my involvement with the app ceased in April 2024. Therefore, the hi-fidelity prototype presented here reflects the app's state up to that time. Feel free to explore the hi-fidelity prototype provided below or download the app for a more comprehensive experience.

Our work on this mobile app has been extensive, with numerous enhancements and adjustments made along the way. The app has been developing, resulting in significant improvements. While I can't cover all the changes and solutions we've implemented in this case study, my involvement with the app ceased in April 2024. Therefore, the hi-fidelity prototype presented here reflects the app's state up to that time. Feel free to explore the hi-fidelity prototype provided below or download the app for a more comprehensive experience.

Our work on this mobile app has been extensive, with numerous enhancements and adjustments made along the way. The app has been developing, resulting in significant improvements. While I can't cover all the changes and solutions we've implemented in this case study, my involvement with the app ceased in April 2024. Therefore, the hi-fidelity prototype presented here reflects the app's state up to that time. Feel free to explore the hi-fidelity prototype provided below or download the app for a more comprehensive experience.

Improving Usability

Improving Usability

Key Issues for Long-Term Development

Key Issues for Long-Term Development

Key Issues for Long-Term Development

  • Enhancing the challenge mode experience.

  • Implementing a ranking and history feature within the app for students.

  • Optimizing all academic material to seamlessly integrate with the user experience. This includes adjusting images for certain question types to ensure they align properly in portrait mode, eliminating the inconvenience of switching between portrait and landscape orientations, which can be frustrating for users.

  • Enhancing the challenge mode experience.

  • Implementing a ranking and history feature within the app for students.

  • Optimizing all academic material to seamlessly integrate with the user experience. This includes adjusting images for certain question types to ensure they align properly in portrait mode, eliminating the inconvenience of switching between portrait and landscape orientations, which can be frustrating for users.

Key Lessons Learned:

Key Lessons Learned:

  • FLYER’s unique storytelling sets it apart, especially for kids and teens aged 6 to 14. They thrive on interactive learning with characters, which is what we aim to provide through the FLYER universe. This narrative keeps them engaged as they progress in their studies.

  • Prioritize speedy development cycles: Build, learn, and adapt quickly, all while staying data-driven.

  • Offering real value to users is crucial for attracting, converting, and retaining them.

  • Engage with users actively, not just through surveys or interviews, but also via social media groups. This ensures we capture their insights throughout the product's evolution.

  • Empathy is key in understanding users, guiding us to improve their experience without bias.

  • Letting users have a say in future developments, such as through surveys, empowers them and ensures we’re meeting their needs effectively.


Contact me for freelance projects, full-time job or anything

you want to discuss about design. I’m happy to answer


Contact me for freelance projects, full-time job or anything

you want to discuss about design. I’m happy to answer


Contact me for freelance projects, full-time job or anything

you want to discuss about design. I’m happy to answer


Contact me for freelance projects, full-time job or anything you want to discuss about design. I’m happy to answer


Contact me for freelance projects, full-time job or anything you want to discuss about design. I’m happy to answer